What are they thinking?
I have seen them moving on fake branches with slow pace...
Food is served... And so is water...
They are a male and a female...
So, whatever they need is right there... Served for them... Food, water, mate.. Even a vet ...
They have a well secured stable home
What more can they need?
They already have whatever they are dreaming of...
I felt like, if I were a bird... I would want all of that... But the most important thing is not there...
The cage no matter how big,,, is too tight...
Squeezing their souls in...
There is no where to go to...
Stuck in this cage!
I would want to spread my winds and be able to fly...
And fly wherever I want...
Yes.. Life this way is much better... Safer and guaranteed, but I am pretty sure they long for leaving the cage...
Trying the unknown,,
And who knows what will happen?
May be they will end up in a better place.. Or a worse place, who cares?!
As long as they got their freedom and their own free will to make decisions, everything will turn out fine,,
What knocks them down will make them rise up stronger...
No matter how hard the wind will blow,, it will just make their wings firmer,,,
There will be no cages to capture their souls...
The wind blowing into their feather... And the fresh air into their lungs...
The sky is their limit and the possibilities are unlimited...
The future is unknown...
But this is what life is all about!