Sunday, November 29, 2020

This is how it feels

 When you show yourself to someone. 

Completely strip off your masks.. Let down your guards, shields... Covers.. 
Your good and bad sides.. 
The things you are proud and ashamed of... 
Everything is unveiled to this specific person....

You put your whole trust and faith into him/her..
You see your whole life as if it happened before it has happened...  Sharing it with him/her

You share your dreams.. 
Your desires.. 
Your likes
Your beliefs.. 
You even share yourself with this person...

His/her dreams become yours
His/her desires become your fantasies...

When you see this person as your soul mate, you work extremely hard to be the one this person dreams of, and hopes for..

The present feels like a dream you have always dreamt of and thought you would never reach...
Nothing in the future scares you anymore...

When you look into your heart, you will feel that, all the pieces came together..

And that you are complete...

More than my life

“More than my life”

I have always heard the words 

And I never got what they meant to the people saying them... 

Now I know how it feels... 

Once I see you,

I feel like I can dive into your hug... 

Feel its warmth... 

Smell your skin... 

and stay there forever...

Nothing and no one else matter

I have been longing and searching for you for so long... 

so long, I thought you do not exist... 

so long, I had lost hope... 

And settled for being alone... 

But there you are, 

With your gaze and warmth... 

Your compassion and your love... 

It feels like, I was not breathing before... 

Everything is different... changed! 

I love you,,, 

You are more than my life 

Monday, November 23, 2020


 كنت اشاهد منذ قليل فيلماً 

وقد عاد فيه البطل إلى الحياة 

من الموت

اخذني المشهد إلى وقت في الماضي البعيد.... 

ما زالت احس انه البارحة... 

لطالما حلمت وتخيلت 

بل اردت... 

ان يعود ابي هو الاخر من الموت... 

فبالتأكيد هي مزحة سخيفة وسيأتي

حتماً سيأتي... 

ليفتح الباب بمفاتيحه 

التي كانت اصواتها دائماً علامة مميزة تعلن عن وصول ابي... 

حتماً سيأتي ... 

ويحضر لي الشيكولاتة المحشوة بالقهوة التي اعشقها...  

ثم يقول لي "ضحكت عليكم

ثم نضحك ونحضر العشاء جميعاً ونذهب للنوم كما تعودنا... 

لماذا لا تتحقق الاحلام في الحقيقة كما تتحقق في الافلام؟  

رحمك الله يا ابي وإلى ان اراك واجتمع بك مجدداً ... 

انا افتقدك بشدة..