Wednesday, September 13, 2023

My starlight

You are  carved onto my heart, from the very first time I saw you.. 

My soul is bound to your soul for eternity. 

You are my man, my child, my protector, caregiver and my love. 

My hero 

A love I never expected to witness 

You brightened up my world with colors and a wide spectrum of feelings, I didn’t even know i have. 

My starlight, showing me the way in the darkest nights…

I can feel your embrace and presence with me, all the time, everywhere I go. 

It is all around me… enfolding me and my fears.. 

I feel what you feel, your happiness and your pain, and I am here for you and will always be here for you,,, 

May be I am not always doing things right, but this will not stop me from trying, until I get it right. 

If I don’t try for you, who then?


كنت ارى ابي كلما اغمضت عيناي من شده الالم

كنت بحالة يُرثى لها

الالم يسري في جسدي بأكمله 

ولا اشعر بشئ سواه

جسدي يلتوي من شدة الالم 

لا شئ يجدي 

لا يذهب الالم

حتى انه لم يستطع عقلي التحمل 

فكنت اغرق في اللاشعور من الحين للاخر

وحينها فقط… كنت ارى ابي

هل كنت ادخل بخطوات محسوبة الى العالم الاخر… 

وكلما اقترب… كلما اصل لابي واحس انني استطيع اخيراً ان اتحدث معه… ان المسه… ان ياخذني بين زراعيه… حينها فقط يستيقظ عقلي…. ليعيدني للحياه والواقع والالم…