Tuesday, March 17, 2015


The rushing feeling though your body and heart,,,,
Makes you want to jump up smiling for no reason, go crazy dancing or singing loud out of nowhere, in a place full of people...
It is one of the most desired feelings among people.. And many pursue it..
It is one of the hardest things to acquire in your life, if you are not prepared enough for it. 
But really, other than physical or very obvious feelings... What is happiness?
I asked myself that question, I knew what it was for me...  Asked a few people...
But we all Google things eventually...
When I did Google it .. this is what happiness meant:
The state of being happy.
"she struggled to find happiness in her life"
It is what Google said about happiness, and what is more shocking and I didn't even know is that the word "happiness" was mentioned in the 1800s much more than it is mentioned now!!

I thought a lot, why the example Google got was that she struggled to find happiness in her life... Why didn't it say, she saw happiness in the eyes of a boy playing, or she found happiness when she sang... 
Why is the curve going down?!

Definitely the world now is much more civilized and should be much happier now that everything is available.. at least more than before. 
 It was somehow depressing but, I decided I would ask anyone I meet about the definition of happiness to him or her ...
Here are some examples of what the word happy means to some human beings,
Finding an old fashion magazine.
A look in my woman's eyes.
The smiles of my children.
The good relation between me and my wife.
Cooperation between me and my colleagues and work done smoothly.
When my favourite team wins.
Quality time with my best friends.
Honesty, bravery, and sacrifice.
Playing with my dog.
Singing and playing instruments with friends.
A good match.
Lyrics that cut deep into me.
A great movie.
Hearing my husband saying I'am home.
Dreaming of the late people and knowing they are just fine.
My prayers.
Acing my exams.
Just watching T.V. with my wife and kids at night.
A cry over my girl's shoulders without being judged.
Saving a child.
A talk with my best friend.
Travelling the world.
Ice cream.
Teasing my beloved people and joking around.
Giving people.

Those are some of many answers I received upon asking the question, what is happiness?
I couldn't help but notice, is that some of these answers are really deep but yet very simple.
So why is the curve still going down?

What makes us more miserable than our ancestors is that, we are always craving what we do not have. Focusing our heads on the "what if" and the "could have been". With all the technologies and the progress we are in, we are incapable to do what our ancestors could do.

 I found out that, the key point of finding happiness and feeling it, is by finding yourself. Explore your needs, expose your vulnerabilities, find what truly satisfies you and makes you content and happy.  

Let go, concentrate on the positive things in your life. Be sad sometimes, but do not give so much time to grief. Remember you will only live once, and if you can't make yourself happy now, no one can help with that. Dance when you want to dance, sing when you feel like signing. See the good in every bad. Smile when you are at your darkest moments. Know deep inside you, that, after rain there is a rainbow... And know that deep inside you, you can be happy... YOU can make it happen. :) 

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